French National Day: 14th July 2013

This year the French National Day celebration in Bangalore took place for the second time at Hotel Novotel, a location strategically positioned for SEZ and industrial areas that bring in business for the hotel. It is also not far from where a majority of French overseas nationals reside (i.e. Whitefield).

The reception welcomed Indian officials and government authorities, other foreign representations, company heads, interns, students, artists all those who contribute in strengthening the bilateral relations we share between India and France.

Mr. Eric Lavertu, Consul General of France, opened the reception after the two national anthems were played. He was joined by his deputy Mr. Vincent Caumontat on the dais. With the support of the team of the Consulate General of France and the generous sponsors the event was a big success and saw a turnout of around 350 vibrant guests.

L'équipe du Consulat Général de France à Bangalore
Le Consul Général fait son discours
Les invités écoutent le discours du Consul Général
L'Attachée scientifique avec l'Attachée consulaire
L'Attachée consulaire devant le drapeau indien
La famille Mannar invitée à la fête nationale
M et Mme Farooq Sulaiman avec l'Attachée de presse
Equipe Decathlon et l'Attachée de presse
M Chiranjeevi Singh, Président de l'Alliance Française de Bangalore
Le Consul Adjoint avec la Directrice de la filiale Helma International
M N Sivasailam, Managing Director du Bangalore Metro avec son épouse et l'attachée de presse
Le chef du service visa avec une amie

Last modified on 13/08/2013

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