Natarajan Chandrasekaran conferred “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur” [fr]

H.E. Ms Catherine Colonna, French Foreign Minister, confers the Légion d’Honneur on Mr N. Chandrasekaran, Tata Sons Chairman, for his contribution to strengthening Indo-French economic ties.

Paris, 16 May 2023

On the occasion of the Choose France Summit 2023, Tata Sons Chairman, Mr Natarajan Chandrasekaran, was conferred with the top French civilian honour of Légion d’Honneur by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, H.E. Ms Catherine Colonna, in Paris on 16th May 2023.

Mr Chandrasekaran was in France to represent the Tata Group at the prestigious Choose France Summit hosted by President Macron at the Versailles castle with more than 180 CEOs from across the world.

Minister Colonna conferred this honour on Mr Chandrasekaran on behalf of President Macron as a recognition of his outstanding business successes and decisive contribution to strengthening Indo-French economic ties.

Various impactful decisions and changes have taken place under his leadership including the expansion of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) with a major acquisition in France in 2013. TCS now has offices in Paris-La Défense, Lille, Poitiers, and Toulouse.

On this occasion, Minister Catherine Colonna said: “Tata is a major player in the Indo-French partnership. I was glad to confer the Chevalier of the Légion d’Honneur on its Chairman, on behalf of the French President. Dear Natarajan Chandrasekaran, you’re a true friend of France”

Tata Group has a strong and historical relation with France, which started in the early 1930’s with Mr Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata (known as "JRD Tata") and is still expanding its presence today in many industrial and technological fields in India and in France.

About the Legion of Honour

Created in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, the Légion d’Honneur (the Legion of Honour) is the highest civilian award given by the French Republic for outstanding service to France, regardless of the nationality of the recipients. The President of the French Republic is the Grand Master of the Order of the Legion of Honour.

Last modified on 03/10/2023

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